a tickle of words to create smiles

About Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko


I am an educator, writer and artist with over 20 years experience as an educator in the southeastern region of Virginia.  As a master teacher, champion of the tenderhearted and advocate of kindness, I have piloted two successful programs that led to the development of Hearts That Care.

Hearts That Care utilizes research-based practices, ARTbundance™ principles and SARK’s philosophy to guide clients to discover solutions to create positive learning and work environments; and, to help individuals realize their dreams and purpose. It is my mission to empower you to create positive changes in your lives and communities. For more information about me and my work click on the following links:

Hearts That Care

I am also on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/angela.k.orobko

I invite you to become an advocate of kindness by joining the following Facebook group: Champions of the Tenderhearted

Comments on: "About Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko" (11)

  1. I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. if you’ve been a recipient in the past, please consider this nomination validation of your continued awesomness. http://sustainableutopia.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/versatile-blogger-nominee/

  2. I have nominated you and four others for the ABC (Awesome Blog Content) Award. Please feel free to pass it allong, and pot it to you blog, which I have found recently to contain Awesome content. There is no time or pressure to follow up, so take your time, and at the very least know your work is appreciated somewhere. For info about the award please see this link:
    Thank you – grandfathersky

  3. Thanks for the LIKE on my site! I love your site as well, Windy Kai

  4. Thanks for liking my post!

  5. Thank you Angela! I look forward to hearing and reading what I wrote.

  6. Thank you for all that you do. I am nominating you for the Kreativ Blogger Award! I just noticed that you already have one. Well….you deserve the appreciation! Keep up the great work!

  7. Hello Angie, I have nominated you again. This time for the “One Lovely Blog Award”. More information can be found at http://influenceversuscontrol.wordpress.com/about/. Thank you for being a quality blogger.

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