a tickle of words to create smiles

About A Kiss of Bliss

A Kiss of Bliss is a blog about joy and happiness. It is about all those little moments and things that bring a tickle to one’s heart. It is my goal this upcoming new year to post at least one kiss of bliss a day; therefore, you will see at least 366 entries in 2012.  May it bring smiles to all of our hearts.  In writing about A Kiss of Bliss tickles my heart with many warm feelings and positive energy.  I intend to find joy every day and live each moment in bliss. If this kiss of bliss brings joy to you for at least one moment, then I will be twice blessed with joy and delight for which I am grateful. Happiness is celebrating all those small things and moments  in our lives that we often take for granted.

Comments on: "About A Kiss of Bliss" (14)

  1. “Happiness is celebrating all those small things and moments in our lives that we often take for granted.” — This line really proved how great you are as a writer and person. The first time I see your post “Courage”, you achieved your goal to bring smile to the heart of your readers. Happy writings!

  2. Do you have a subscription link to your blog Angela?
    Love & Light,

  3. Well you’ve got my vote, there is just too much sadness and depression in this world. I know I’ll be back again and again. I enjoy following blogs such as yours. Be back soon !

  4. Hello dear beLOVEd Angi ♥ . I wonder whether your blog has RSS feed somewhere , and if you do , then can it be used e.g. in SAKARILOVE – UNLIKE NO OTHER 🙂 . Blessings for a wonderful New Week =) , I find much inspiration for my self here in Kiss of Bliss .

    I just find our co-operation so wonderful , and much is happening , and much more in the near future , and … to speak of the more far future , may God have mercy and grace upon us all =)

    Yours truly, lovingly and sincerly , Jouni Sakari

  5. Angi – Because of the light you spread with this blog, I have nominated you for The Sunshine Award, please visit my post at http://grandfathersky.wordpress.com/2012/03/04/sunshine-award/ for the image to add to your site, and for details on sharing the award. Thank you for the sunshine you have brought into my life, and for the light I know your words bring to others. Thank you! -gs

  6. I was just going over some of your submissions. You do very well. I like the art work and the thoughts you provide. I appreciate the “very inspiring blog award”, that was nice. I kind of run “hot and cold” on my entries and timing therein. I’m really into the academia thing: Engl club, creative wring club and the intermingling w/students on a life direction basis. I find it uplifting that some have such determined direction while others are just “floundering” about.
    I went to GSU in 1971, and I was one of the floundering ones and I try to convey that to the students that seem lost that maybe their life direction just hasn’t started yet and to have patience with themselves and their parents. Lotsa pressure there to active.
    I don’t know if you ever read a blog: NealEnjoy.wordpress.com, he was an instructor of mine … nice guy.
    At any rate, just though I’d drop you a note and tell you I appreciate your energy.
    U B Well.

  7. I can’t resist to make a second comment!
    Your works are great!

  8. Just thought I’d let you know I nominated you fore the One Lovely Blog Award that will be published tomorrow. Here’s the link if you want to participate. http://couragetoadventurecoaching.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/one-lovely-blog-award/


  9. I must thank “kind over matter”for directing me to your wonderful blog,i have just regd.
    for rec. your blog regularly.

  10. Thank you for sharing the amazing bliss with us .pls visit myloudthought.wordpress.com

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