a tickle of words to create smiles

Archive for July, 2013

Happy Independence Day, 2013

Since today is Independence Day, I am re-posting an acrostic poem I composed last year; however, the artwork above is brand new. I just painted it a few hours ago…

It is a time for
Nationalism by honoring our
Democracy, Independence, Liberty and
Equal rights.
Patriotism bounds as we participate in parades,
Enjoy cookouts and watch fireworks.
Never letting go of the American
Dream, this
Nation is able to
Celebrate and
Embrace freedom.

Daring to be…
Amazing and free…
You and me.

Happy Independence Day! I am proud and delighted to be a citizen of the United States of America. I appreciate where I live and feel blessed to be born here. In all my travels, I have seen wonderful cultures and countries; however, I have not found another that surpasses the United States. We are truly free to be whomever we wish to be; and, have access to so many opportunities! God Bless America!

As a creativity/ life coach and anti-bullying specialist, I have come across many who wish to liberate themselves from their self-doubt and fears, because they come to me for inspiration and guidance. Are you ready to be free and independent of doubt and fear? I am currently offering an amazing summer program, heART Splash, which will help you to splash into your creativity and delve into your inner treasures that will boost your confidence and liberate you from your insecurities. <www.HeartsThatCare.net>

“Ready to Create a Successful Life?”

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“I’m excited to show you “Step by Step” how YOU can Focus on Your Dreams….Prioritize them….and ACHIEVE THEM!!!

  • 10 Fun & Creative Packets helping you Map Your Success
  •  Downloadable videos …yours to keep….that will help you MAP OUT YOUR INNER TREASURE MAP!!
  • 5 Private Live Class Sessions that will liberate your Creative Spirit – and help You to Focus on the True Potential you were Designed For!!!
  • We will Create Amazing Journal Spreads…that will help REVEAL… Your gifts and talents….and “springboard” you to Your Own Positively Empowered Life!!!

Participants of  HeART Splash will be invited to an EXCLUSIVE GROUP on a PRIVATE social site ran by Hearts That Care called Positively Empowered People. This program will run until Monday, September 2, 2013 (Labor Day); however, downloadable materials will be available until Monday September 1, 2014 (Labor Day)

Please e-mail: Dr. Angi (admin@heartsthatcare.net) to register.