a tickle of words to create smiles

Posts tagged ‘Merry Christmas’

Message of Christmas – Connection


I took over 2oo photos on Christmas Day as I walked (with my husband and my puppy-dog) on the Noland Trail, which is part of the Mariners Museum in Newport News, Virginia. Each photo captured a beautiful moment in nature that are often invisible to us. The squirrel feasting on his Christmas meal stole my heart when I discovered this sight. It was quite a distance away, but I could hear the squirrel munching away. With the lens of my camera to assist my eye, I was in awe. We are all so deeply connected…people, nature, the material and the spiritual world. Christmas is the time of year that magically opens our senses to really see it. Merry Christmas.

The Day Before Christmas


The Day Before Christmas

by: Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

It was the day before Christmas
and all through the land.
People trying to complete
their last-minute Christmas plans.

Goodwill is around us,
if you open your eyes;
See people acting kindly;
it is Jesus in disguise.

Smiles and laughter
will rule this day,
With Christmas carols
playing along the way.

However, keep in mind
that a few souls will be
Not as much into Christmas
celebration as you and me.

A hole in their heart from a past
event that brought them despair.
Let us create for them new memories
and fill them with love and tender care.

Appreciate and value every
person that crosses your way,
Know them or not, express love
and kindness; make their day.

Christmas can be a magnificent
and marvelous time to bring
A new season of compassion and love,
let every bell chime and every voice sing.

“Merry Christmas to all and to all Love and Thanksgiving!”

It is Christmas Every Time…


Every time you allow God’s love to shine through your smile, your kind words, your helping hand, and your heart, Christmas is celebrated. Share Christmas everyday with your loving spirit and your warm heart! The gift of God’s love will fuel your own soul and the spirits of others. Have a very Merry Christmas!!


Christmas Magic


Take the time to enjoy the splendors of Christmas and other winter celebrations. It truly is the most magical time of the year. My blogs in the next few days will be short, sweet, and related to Christmas as I spend more time with my friends and family. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! Merry Christmas!! (P.S. The photo I used for Norman Vincent Peale’s quote are the Christmas lights down my decking staircase.)