a tickle of words to create smiles

Posts tagged ‘Religion and Spirituality’

Christmas and Childlike Faith


As a child faith was so easy, especially if you had loving and supportive parents to lay down the foundation. Christmas was always such a magical time for me. In other cultures it may be another holiday or event that renews the faith of a child. Whatever holiday or event it may be let us hold onto that sparkle that ignites our heart and spirit. May we all be grounded in our belief of love and kindness. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The Day Before Christmas


The Day Before Christmas

by: Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

It was the day before Christmas
and all through the land.
People trying to complete
their last-minute Christmas plans.

Goodwill is around us,
if you open your eyes;
See people acting kindly;
it is Jesus in disguise.

Smiles and laughter
will rule this day,
With Christmas carols
playing along the way.

However, keep in mind
that a few souls will be
Not as much into Christmas
celebration as you and me.

A hole in their heart from a past
event that brought them despair.
Let us create for them new memories
and fill them with love and tender care.

Appreciate and value every
person that crosses your way,
Know them or not, express love
and kindness; make their day.

Christmas can be a magnificent
and marvelous time to bring
A new season of compassion and love,
let every bell chime and every voice sing.

“Merry Christmas to all and to all Love and Thanksgiving!”

Winter Solstice


Winter Solstice

by Dr. Angela K. Orboko

The shortest day of the year approaches.
It is upon us, the dark winter solstice.

Some believe this may be the end of human time.
I know it to be the start of new reasoning and rhyme.

Love will rule our hearts as we help our sisters and brothers…
Of every religion, creed, culture and color.

The power’s within us to create a world of love, serenity and bliss.
All we need to do is BELIEVE it already exists.

Welcome the light as we approach Spring and Summer.
Yes, I know, our kin are already experiencing it, Down Under.

Happy Winter/Summer Solstice!

Encourage the Heart and Spirit

Affirmation, validation and appreciation encourage the heart and spirit. Whether we are receiving encouragement or giving it, our hearts and spirits fill with love and warmth. It is uplifting.

I find that the more encouragement I give, the more I receive. Imagine that. And, I find myself looking for opportunities to encourage others in their intentions, goals and dreams. If they want to try something new and/or worthwhile, I urge them to try it. And, wow, the expressions on their faces…priceless.

Sometimes encouragement is needed when we are experiencing a low moment. Encouragement may come in many forms; and, one of the best forms of encouragement is comfort for others by simply being there for them and listening. All we really need to do is attentively listen. Encouragement can be a smile, a wink or a hug. Encouragement may be the spoken or written word, art or music. Anything that moves another heart and spirit in a positive way is encouragement.

The gift of encouragement is one of the most valuable and affordable gifts we can give to our family, friends and peers. Can you remember a time in your life when you were encouraged? How did it feel? It is an amazing feeling, isn’t it? I invite you to encourage someone…anyone. I bet it will be a great experience! May God and Love bless you and encourage your heart and spirit to encourage others.

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You are what you say you are…

You have been trapped by what you said,
ensnared by the words of your mouth… Proverbs 6:2 (NIV)

Words are powerful! As we say them and hear them, our mind, body and spirit believe them; therefore, it is imperative that we speak words that are positive. As Joel Osteen states in his book, I Declare, “Don’t use your words to describe your situation. Use your words to change your situation.”

Instead of saying that your life is hard and that you will never get a break; rephrase it to change it. Declare that your life is worth living and that you are blessed with good  health and strength. Wake up each day stating that it is going to be your best ever, that you are enthusiastic about your future and that something wonderful is about to happen to you.

In retrospect, I have found that what I have said about myself, became reality, positive or negative alike. It is important for me to think and declare positive things… I am blessed, I am important, I am talented, I have a brilliant future ahead of me. My efforts count more than I will ever know. I am creating happiness in my life and the lives of others.

You get to fill in the blanks for yourself. Go back and reflect upon all the events in your life. What did you say before each of the challenges, trials and positive events  in your life? Do you see self-fulfilling prophecy at work? You are what you say you are.

Appreciate The Angels

I deeply appreciate the angels that have come into my life.
~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

Angels come in many forms. They can be ethereal or physical. Tonight I spoke with an angel on a phone who reminded me of the same things I have been trying to tell myself; but, I was not listening. Tonight, my angel came in the form a fabulous listener, loving spirit and supporter of dreams. Her name is Susan Guild of Wake Up Your Magic. She is a co-host to the wonderful bi-monthly blogtalkradio program, Wake Up Your Magic Hour, with Mary D’Alba of  Spirtualitygirl. I encourage you to listen to their previous shows. I had the opportunity to call in a couple of times including this past week on September 6. Susan is a phenomenal lady! I deeply appreciate her listening, loving, encouraging and positive spirit.

It goes to show you that the angels in our lives may be familiar people in our lives or new ones that we have never met. They may come in form of pets, wild animals, signs or even feelings. Remember, angels are messengers from God. And, sometimes God calls us forth to be angels for others.

One of my favorite angelic deeds are deliberate acts of love and kindness and paying it forward. Here are some specific examples of such angelic deeds: paying the toll for yourself and the car behind you or paying the bill of the person behind you at a fast food restaurant drive-through. Imagine the joy it would bring to another when we can do actions like that for others.

Sometimes angels get together and do larger deeds. For example, today, a local community church called Crossroads played host to a FREE yard sale. Local residents (they did NOT have to be members of the church) were invited and encouraged to simply show up and take what they needed from the items the church has amassed over the year like clothing, household items and even furniture. The positive and loving energy that was present was amazing this morning.  What other pay-it-forward deeds can you imagine and do? Who/what are the angels in your life? Do you appreciate them? How can you be an angel in the lives of others?




I am so grateful it is Friday! It has been a long week! I am ready for the weekend. How do you plan to recharge your batteries?

I am going to enjoy friends and nature. There are a few events I plan to attend both sad and happy events. The circle of life are filled with these. This weekend it is my turn to shoulder the pain of a friend who lost her mother, as well as to celebrate with other friends who are confirming their faith. I also plan to get in some self-nurturing time, where I will go out and walk outdoors. This will be my opportunity to reconnect with myself and nature. During these rejuvenating walks, I use these peaceful moments for prayer and mediation. This will be a bittersweet weekend.


  • T.g.i.f! (healthytransformationwitherincipriani.wordpress.com)


Grateful: The Gratitude Attitude


Upon thinking about gratitude, attitude came to mind; gratitude is an attitude of appreciation, knowing the worth of another. Gratitude is a positive feeling of indebtedness to another. It is a form of love, loyalty, and giving back; like an I.O.U. Your heart feels a warmth and longing to be of service to whomever or whatever you feel gratitude.

Gratitude is related to being thankful, grateful and appreciative. It is an uplifting emotion where you feel worthy and valued; and, you usually have a feeling of joy where you want to pay a favor in return directly or indirectly for the person you feel gratitude. An attitude of gratitude brings positiveness and higher energy. It is a glow in the heart, a warmth from within that makes one grin.

Dr. Seuss quoted: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” How true is that?! Are you great-full (grateful) in being you?

Today, I am grateful to be ME, because as you can see, it is ME that can set my CREATIVE heart and soul FREE! (Angi quote). I am grateful that I can rhyme from time to time. It is an instrument in writing that can be fun to use if used sparingly with reason.

Another great quote to consider was stated by Denis Waitley: “I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man with no feet.”

This quote really makes one pause and consider everything for which to be grateful. Today, I discovered I had an abscessed tooth. It had to be extracted. I chose to be grateful that it was only one tooth and not something worse. Yes, my mouth is sore and a little swollen; however, I am deeply grateful for: my overall good  health, my wonderful dentist, my husband and family (including Sasha, my fur-baby), God and the Universe. The gratitude in my heart I extend to all those who have touched my life and molded me into who I am today, including the bullies and heart-breakers; and most importantly for having Jesus Christ in my life…the example He has led as God in Body…God the Experience…God the Flesh…God the Human Example. He showed us the path and the way to be. 

I have the gratitude attitude for music, creativity, life, transformations, lessons, love, friendship, fellowship, family, education, color, sight, all my senses, my gender, my femininity, my masculinity, my whole being, my outlook and perspective, my vision, my attitude and openness…for everything. Everything is a blessing that deserves to appreciated! Have “Gratitude Attitude”. You will see the positive ways it will change your life.


Fresh Start

It is never too late for a fresh start. Every moment is a good time to start over if we can give ourselves permission. ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

Who says you have to wait until the beginning of a new year, month, week or day for a fresh start. Why not start fresh right now? The moment is now! And, wow! it feels great to start fresh. It is like giving yourself hugs and kisses.

It is a deep sigh of relief. It is a deep breath of fresh air. When you  permit yourself to have a clean slate,  you begin to see all the events, challenges, blessings, and issues in your life more clearly. You are giving yourself a second chance.

We would do it for a child, wouldn’t we? We would give our loved ones second chances, right?  It is time we grant ourselves permission to start over.

And, why not give yourself this loving opportunity, this do over? God through Jesus Christ gave us this gift. Who are we NOT to allow it! Forgive yourself. Let it be. Embrace this fresh start and you heart will feel free.

We Are All Someone Special

By letting go of the belief that I am nobody special, I have found more love and joy in my life. ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

It is in those times when we feel that we are nobody special or that we are simply not good enough that negative feelings creep in to bring down our self-esteem and cloud over our positive energies. Some time ago, I came to realize that no matter who I am or what I do or whatever happens to me, the sun will still shine for me, no matter what. The birds will still sing and the wind will still blow. And, as long as I believe, God still loves me! I just need to be open to receive.

God’s love is in so many things and is in so many people. All we need to do is open our eyes and truly see all our blessings. My life is not perfect (no one has a perfect life), but I am grateful for all the love and blessings I have in my life. Today, I had a bit of a setback that I could have allowed to bother me to cause angst, worry and other negative feelings; however, upon a moment of reflection I know in my heart that these negative emotions are not going to make the latest challenge go away. Positive attracts positive. So, I resolved to give my worries to God and focus on the positive. I can only take care of me in the moment, from one thought to the next and one action to another.

Challenges are best met with a clear head and happy heart where we can come up with creative solutions. It also allows us to see that it is not the end of the world and there are positive options to every negative situation. The sun will continue to shine and the birds will continue to sing. I will ultimately come out just fine from this setback because I believe I can and because I am more than good enough to manifest a solution. I am someone special and so are you!