a tickle of words to create smiles

Archive for October 10, 2013

Inner Wisdom


In our minds, there stirs a voice, often like a whisper that speaks to our spirit.

You know that voice, especially after hearing a catchy tune and that song repeats itself in your head for the rest of the day. External stimuli can activate that voice positively or negatively. I believe that is why people tend to be just nicer in December when all the happy and fun Christmas songs are broadcasted into the general public almost everywhere: radio, grocery stores, shopping malls, dentist and doctor offices, beauty salons, auto repair shops, restaurants, etc.

However, the wisdom that I speak of originates from the soul of an individual.

It is that deep internal whisper that you hear when you are sitting quietly in prayer and/or meditation The inner wisdom may also come while you are engaged in solo activities like swimming, biking, writing, walking in nature, running, reading, painting, playing a musical instrument, sculpting, and so on and so forth. Physical and creative activity, as well as, spiritual engagement draws out our inner wisdom. The key is to learn how to really listen to it over the mindless chatter that may be stuck in your head due to external stresses.

You know that voice that tells you that you don’t have time to enjoy the moment because you need to pay bills, pick up the kids, make the meals, complete the project or paperwork for the job, clean the house, gas up the car, rake the leaves, renew your driver’s license, get the groceries, go to another meeting, do the laundry, schedule that appointment, go to the appointment and the list goes on and on and on. The best way to lower the volume of that chatter and eventually eliminate it is to focus on your breathing and/or your heartbeat.

You do this by closing your eyes and breathing slowly, deliberately and deeply. Focus only on the breathing, the air going in and out of your lungs. In through your nose and out through your mouth with a sigh or a hum. Do this several times.  It only takes a few moments. And, do this before you engage in any solo activity, so that you will be able to clear the channel for the voice of your inner wisdom.  Not only will you be able to hear your inner wisdom more clearly, but you will also be able to enjoy your solo activities with tranquility. Be open to receive any newfound wisdom that will come to you. This is where great ideas are born. Are you listening?