a tickle of words to create smiles

Posts tagged ‘authentic’

Today you are You…

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss

“Do not wish to be anything but what you are.” – Saint Francis de Sales

Many people are not comfortable with who they are. A bombardment of advertisements and marketing schemes scream at people telling them they need to wear this and that, eat this and that, use this and that product, go here and there for this and that, and so on and so on!

It is no wonder why so many people have self-confidence issues, are searching for themselves/their purpose and/or are taking medication. Madison Avenue executives have people brainwashed that if people do not use, eat, wear, etc. what they are selling then they are not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, successful enough! How does one break free from this nonsense!!!! People need to embrace who they are.

How? Great question. How, indeed? That is one of many questions each person needs to ask of themselves. What brings joy to your life? Embrace all those things you cannot change, like your height and  your freckles. Those are the parts that make you who you are! Do and be what feels right. Why squeeze into a “mold” that does not fit? If long hair is how all the pretty women are wearing their hair; and, you look and feel fabulous in short hair, why change? We need to be who we are and nothing less! Do not let people steer you into what you are not!


How does one define authenticity? Authenticity is the state of being real, truthful, genuine and/or sincere. One of the hardest things to do is to be authentic when you do not know who you are. Defining yourself and your purpose builds confidence and authenticity; furthermore, with authenticity, you build relationships based on love and trust.

That is great if you know who you are; but, suppose you are not clear on your purpose and/or who you truly are? A good place to start is to place yourself in front of a mirror and state your name, “I am…[insert your name]” Then follow this up with all those positive affirmations that you know are true about yourself, “I am smart; I am open to new ideas; I am a good listener; I am a good friend; I am a great parent; I am wonderful spouse; I am…” Allow the list to go on and on.

Then write these positive affirmations down on notes you can stick all over the place to remind you of exactly all the wonderful things you are. Also, consider all the activities and events that bring you joy. Write these down in a notebook or journal, along with all the positive affirmations. Reflect on these, as these begin to define who you are authentically.

Guess what? You are what you think you are. You become your words and your thoughts. Also, you get to choose those words and thoughts every single day and every single moment of your life. There are many methods to help people clarify who they are and their purpose. A phenomenal way to gain clarity is through life coaching and/or mental health counseling. Now, consider the following, are you being true to yourself and others? What are you thinking right now? Are they positive thoughts?  Remember, thoughts become reality.