a tickle of words to create smiles

Archive for September 5, 2012

Grateful: The Gratitude Attitude


Upon thinking about gratitude, attitude came to mind; gratitude is an attitude of appreciation, knowing the worth of another. Gratitude is a positive feeling of indebtedness to another. It is a form of love, loyalty, and giving back; like an I.O.U. Your heart feels a warmth and longing to be of service to whomever or whatever you feel gratitude.

Gratitude is related to being thankful, grateful and appreciative. It is an uplifting emotion where you feel worthy and valued; and, you usually have a feeling of joy where you want to pay a favor in return directly or indirectly for the person you feel gratitude. An attitude of gratitude brings positiveness and higher energy. It is a glow in the heart, a warmth from within that makes one grin.

Dr. Seuss quoted: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” How true is that?! Are you great-full (grateful) in being you?

Today, I am grateful to be ME, because as you can see, it is ME that can set my CREATIVE heart and soul FREE! (Angi quote). I am grateful that I can rhyme from time to time. It is an instrument in writing that can be fun to use if used sparingly with reason.

Another great quote to consider was stated by Denis Waitley: “I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man with no feet.”

This quote really makes one pause and consider everything for which to be grateful. Today, I discovered I had an abscessed tooth. It had to be extracted. I chose to be grateful that it was only one tooth and not something worse. Yes, my mouth is sore and a little swollen; however, I am deeply grateful for: my overall good  health, my wonderful dentist, my husband and family (including Sasha, my fur-baby), God and the Universe. The gratitude in my heart I extend to all those who have touched my life and molded me into who I am today, including the bullies and heart-breakers; and most importantly for having Jesus Christ in my life…the example He has led as God in Body…God the Experience…God the Flesh…God the Human Example. He showed us the path and the way to be. 

I have the gratitude attitude for music, creativity, life, transformations, lessons, love, friendship, fellowship, family, education, color, sight, all my senses, my gender, my femininity, my masculinity, my whole being, my outlook and perspective, my vision, my attitude and openness…for everything. Everything is a blessing that deserves to appreciated! Have “Gratitude Attitude”. You will see the positive ways it will change your life.