a tickle of words to create smiles

Posts tagged ‘Religion & Spirituality’

Share Your Gifts!

Don’t let fear stop you; it is selfish NOT to share your gifts and talents with the world. ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

 At times (like right now) I need to remind myself that I need to share my talents; it is selfish of me to hold back. God bestowed upon me many wonderful gifts to impart with others. He does not want me to hoard them and judge them. Who am I decide if I am good enough? That is only for God to decide. My words, my art, my insights are important. If I need to hear and see it, then most likely others need to read and see them, too.

We all have gifts, talents and experiences that are unique to us. No one else has the same exact ones. We connect and interact with others, build relationships and communities when we share our unique gifts and experiences. Empower others to see your value. Allow them to appreciate you and your unique talents. Don’t let fear make you appear selfish! You are amazing! Go out and share your gifts, talents and experiences. And, keep in mind, you cannot please everyone, but you can please yourself. Do what you please and you will find you will delight others.


Those “gotcha” moments can be upsetting and make you feel like you’ve been “had”; but, it doesn’t have to dampen your positive outlook.
~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

I would be dishonest if I did not share with you that I have my moments where I feel disappointment and anger, especially when I follow through and fulfill my promises and the respective party does not. The expectation is there, with verbal agreements and contracts; but, then the communication starts becoming one-sided. The other party has “GOTCHA!” I want to be positive about it and give everyone who touches my life the benefit of doubt (as Jesus would do), but it is not easy. Why would anyone say something and then not follow through. Is it fear? Is it mean-spiritedness? Is it neglect and forgetfulness?

I suppose it is not really for me to know why; but, more for me to decide what will I CHOOSE to do next. I could become cynical and negative, but what does that get me. Will that make me feel any better? No! I need to see the positiveness in this latest event in my life and learn from this experience. I would rather look like the sunflower in the summer sun with my head up high; after all, even a sunflower must experience a rainstorm in order to grow. She always comes out stronger and taller from the nourishment of the water. This rainstorm in my life need not wound my positive spirit or outlook. I will turn this “GOTCHA” moment into a learning experience that will allow me to grow and evolve. Consider the “GOTCHA” moments in your life, how will it shape you?

It Only Takes a Second…

With 86,400 seconds per day…that is 3600 seconds an hour, I have more than enough time to use a few of those to make someone’s day. ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

It only takes a second or two to say hello, thank you, bless you and I love you. It only takes a moment to smile or pat someone on the back. It only takes a few moments to hold open a door or help someone. However, it is in those few selfless moments that touch the hearts of others. How deeply we may impact another, only God knows. How much more time would we spend with others, if we knew today was his or her last day (or last few moments)? Consider making someone’s day. It only takes a second.


Why does it take the worst of events to bring out the best in people? ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

It was my intention to write about a totally different topic today, but when I learned of the tragic events that occurred in Colorado this morning I cannot help to wonder why anyone would deliberately cause such an act of terror. I will never understand deliberate actions that result in violence and the outcome is hurt and/or death. However, among all the ugliness of the unfolding events, love and hope manages to find its way to comfort the survivors.

May God bless all those who were directly affected today. May He comfort their hearts through the loving actions of others who have come forth after this tragedy to console and help them. May the horrific actions of one man NOT taint the hearts of the survivors. Let us not let evil win over good. This brings to mind one of my favorite Bible quotes: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 God does understand our sorrows and He does love us. It is hard to see that right now, but His love is infinitely abundant and eternal.

God Sees What We Can’t

No one is like the Lord our God, who rules from the heaven. Psalm 113:5

Today’s post is directly from Max Lucado’s Grace For the Moment Volume 2 devotional:

Max Lucado told his story: On a trip to the United Kingdom, our family visited a castle. In the center of the garden sat a maze. Row after row of shoulder-high hedges, led to one dead-end after another. Successfully navigate the labyrinth, and discover the door to a tall tower in the center of the garden. Were you to look at our family pictures of the trip, you’d see four of our five family members standing on the top of the tower. Hmm, someone is still on the ground. Guess who? Yes, me. I was stuck in the foliage. I just couldn’t figure out which way to go.

Ah, but then I heard a voice from above. “Hey, Dad.” I looked up to see Sara, peering through the turret at the top.” You’re going the wrong way,” she explained. “Back up and turn right.”

Do you think I trusted her? I didn’t have to. But do you know what I did? I listened. Her vantage point was better than mine. She was above the maze. She could see what I couldn’t.

God has a different vantage point than we do. This story beautifully illustrates that God sees what we cannot. What is the lesson in this? When we are stuck in our labyrinth of life challenges, trust and listen to God. God will point us in the right direction. We only need to ask through prayer. God will give us courage and signs by putting encouraging, helpful people and/or information in our path.  

  • Courage (sabinianabalagtasbaliba.com)