a tickle of words to create smiles

Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

Grateful When Things Work (TY-19)


In the past 24+ hours I have been frustrated with my computer. It kept freezing up on me so that I could not use my mouse or keyboard. For me, this circumstance was a great reminder to be grateful when things work!

Therefore, I have devoted today’s blog to thank all the devices and modern conveniences in my life. I deeply appreciate my alarm clock, the hot water heater, indoor plumbing, the toilet, the bathroom sink, the shower, the washing machine and dryer, my computer, my scanner/printer, the telephone, my cellular/smart phone, my car, electricity, electric lights, the microwave oven, the stove, and every single device that I take for granted when they are in working order.

I am ever so grateful that my life is so much easier because of all these things that do function as I expect them to do. Unfortunately, we often do not even think about them until they do not. Thank you!!! I really do appreciate your significant role in my life.

Grateful for Giggles (TY-9)


One of the most delightful sounds I know is laughter. I am grateful for giggles, chuckles and laughter; moreover, the ability to make light of life and embrace humor. As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine.

I believe that if I can giggle, I can get through most any stressful situation or tragic event in my life. One of the best emotions I know is laughter through tears; because, it is at that moment that I know I will be able to get through whatever heartache or hardship I am experiencing. Even the sound of laughter and giggles triggers joy and happiness.

I believe the giggling uplifts the spirit because it reminds us of times when we are able to laugh and giggle, such as when we were children. To appreciate giggles is to embrace blissfulness. I am grateful for giggles and laughter. (P.S. 2 months until Christmas, LOL).

Grateful for My Feet (TY-4)


Dearest feet…you are so neat!
You take me wherever I wish to go.
You often do not receive praise; instead, you get complaints and woe.

Today, dear feet, I am showering you with love, affection and appreciation.
This blog is devoted to you, dear feet. I submit it as a dedication.

Peculiar and sad is the fact that I do not give my feet any thought until they hurt from overuse. I depend on my feet for holding me up and allowing me to stand tall. My feet carry my weight wherever I wish to go. They allow me to walk, run, hop, skip and jump. They help to give me balance, as well as, allow me to dance and prance.

I very much want to express my gratitude to you, my dear feet. I really appreciate you. You deserve to be pampered. Tonight, you are going to get massaged with lotion. I may even doll you up with a pedicure. Would you like that? Thank you, feet! You are super sweet!!

Winter Solstice


Winter Solstice

by Dr. Angela K. Orboko

The shortest day of the year approaches.
It is upon us, the dark winter solstice.

Some believe this may be the end of human time.
I know it to be the start of new reasoning and rhyme.

Love will rule our hearts as we help our sisters and brothers…
Of every religion, creed, culture and color.

The power’s within us to create a world of love, serenity and bliss.
All we need to do is BELIEVE it already exists.

Welcome the light as we approach Spring and Summer.
Yes, I know, our kin are already experiencing it, Down Under.

Happy Winter/Summer Solstice!




by: Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

Designate a day….to play!
Designate a time…to rhyme!

It is your DESIGN!
Wonderful and fine!

YOU get to CHOOSE!
YOU can’t LOSE!

YOU get to DECIDE!
Time to abide…

and LISTEN to your HEART
That is the BEST place to START!

DESIGN-ate your time; don’t wait!
And do NOT hesitate.

Define your deeds.
Fulfill your needs.

There is a fire in YOU that burns within.
Ignited by a desire or dream, fueled by adrenalin.

Awakening your creative spirit, setting it free.
Your senses come alive, YOU will see

that  it is time that you get to DESIGN-ate
Why do you wait? Don’t hesitate.

Is it FEAR
at your REAR?

Let it BE
Set your soul FREE!

It is your destiny and  fate!
To DESIGN-ate!

Bless the Stress ~ Feeling Grateful

Why not bless the stress in your life. Some stress is good as long as it is in moderation. In order to stay tone and fit, we need to add a little stress to our muscles. Varying types of exercise and activity exerts a bit of stress on our muscles. It is healthy.

This same concept can apply to life as well. A little stress in my life reminds me that my life has purpose. I am needed. A moderate amount of stress keeps me creative and productive.  I only get into trouble when I expect too much from myself. I sometimes need to remind myself to do things at a steady pace; and, that life is not a race! Yes, bless the stress. When I reassess the stress and find humor in it; then it no longer affects me in a  negative way. Appreciate the role of stress in your life.

Deliberate Scribbles

Today has been a rainy and deliberate scribble kind of day. I recommend that you get out a scrap paper and just joyfully scribble. Scribble out your plans for the week. Scribble how you feel. Scribble the first thoughts that come to your head. Just allow the flow of the pen lead the way. If you are artsy, get out the markers, paintbrushes, crayons or even finger paints. Tap into your inner child and enjoy a few moments of playtime.

Here are some things to deliberately scribble about (I turned them  into a poem):

Happy moments. Melancholy whimsy Moody, creepy monster faces.

Get-to-do lists. Wishes and intentions. Joyful, colorful memorable places.

Favorite foods…plan some meals.

Holiday ideas. Things to make with zeal.

Activities or items you want to try.

Doodle flowers, bees and butterflies.

Scribble spirals, circles and other shapes;

Create, invent, sketch some funny  grapes.

Add words, phrases, or a favorite quote.

Feel free to include a reminder or a note.

Scribbling is a great way to get started in anything you feel you need to do, as it allows the ideas to flow without self-judgment or self-criticism. It is not a waste of time even if you have chores to do. Scribbling allows you to organize how you want to do things and motivates action. Are you ready to take time for yourself and reconnect with your inner child? Take time to enjoy deliberate scribbling and see how it will lift your spirits to move you into productivity.

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Doing the Avoid Dance…


Is avoidance really something that should be shunned as laziness, lethargy, slovenliness? Or, is it really fear; or, perhaps it is stubbornness; or, it is simply the characteristic of being a perfectionist? Why do we do the Avoid-DANCE?…is it a daunting task that we are resisting?…or is it the fear of the unknown? The specific reason of the avoidance is unique to each of us; however, what will move our spirits to begin.

We often find that the task is not really so daunting, but we just need to get started and dive right into our project. Let us plunge into the Lambada of doing…and getting it done. DONE is better than PERFECT. Most of the avoidance comes from wanting to do something perfectly because we have been taught that “if it is worth doing, then it is worth doing right!” Really? Yes, that was what had been preached to many of us as children. I can still hear that voice in the back of my head loud and clear.

Often, it is just a matter of getting it done. You can always go back and edit and refine your work. You are not going to please everybody, ever! And, that is great, because we are all different. Viva la difference. Love and live in embracing difference. If each of us were the same, then we would not need each other!

What one does mediocre (in the mind of the doer) is going to be better than anyone else who cannot or will not do it at all. In fact, many will think you are a freaking genius! Yes, there will always be someone better than you. They may or may not be satisfied with your efforts.  So what; it got done! And,  the AVOIDance becomes COMPLETENESS, which will ultimately bring joy and the sense of success. So, what avoiDANCE are you doing? How can  you turn this avoiDANCE into a JOYFUL tango of COMPLETION? (Re-post from February 3, 2012…AVOIDANCE!)




My sister took this phenomenal picture yesterday morning. It is a moth! It was on her back porch screen and it clearly has smiles on it! I see at least two of them, do you?

Smiles, to me, are an outwardly expression of the love and kindness in our hearts. This moth is wearing its smiles and it goes to show you that smiles are all around us. Some smiles are more obvious and direct than others. We only need to be receptive. Can you feel the smile on my face as I you read what I wrote?  I hope so! Smile, it is good for your heart, your soul and your well-being. 🙂

Laughter… A Mini-Vacation

LAUGHTER is spontaneous fun and a mini-vacation. It can be anything that tickles your heart, as it magically alleviates any stress of the moment! Although laughter cannot be forced upon someone, laughter is contagious.

Have you ever played the laughing game? It is a game best played when you have at least 3 or more people in a group. One person just starts with a single, “ha!” The next person adds another and you get, “ha-ha”. You keep going around each group member adding another “ha!” and you keep repeating around the group of people over and over again until there is a roar of laughter, “ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” At that point hardly anyone can contain themselves. 

Spontaneous, funny moments usually cause laughter. Jokes, puns, riddles and stories with unexpected endings are great ways to encourage laughter. Children and animals are great source of humor. Can you think of any laughable moments or favorite jokes? Are there any specific times in your life that you can now laugh about? Laughter is good for the soul.