a tickle of words to create smiles

Posts tagged ‘Angela Kowitz Orobko’



Too often we put limits on ourselves as we try to define who we are. In an era of branding ourselves, I believe we are putting limits on who we can become.  Last month I focused on “New Beginnings” and did many art instructional videos…see link… as I explored various art techniques.

Although it was fun to make the videos, it was also confining and limited me. I became remiss in keeping up with my writing and other activities that I enjoy and wanted to do. This month I am going to break my mold, as I expand and spread my wings to see how magnificent I can become. I encourage each of my friends, family members and followers to do the same. Time to cut loose the ropes (brands/definitions) that bind us and test different waters.

New Beginnings


As we kickoff a new school year in my hometown, I like to give myself a clean slate… A NEW BEGINNING. Starting Monday, September 1st, I am challenging myself to create consistently and regularly in many areas of my life. I will be expanding my imaginative spirit in art, writing and grate-full living. I plan on documenting my progress this year in writing, in expressive art, in photography and video.

The THEME I have chosen for SEPTEMBER is NEW BEGINNINGS; and the prompt for week 1 is: EXPLORING LINES.

As I embark on this creative journey, I will share my writing and grate-full living experiences here on A Kiss of Bliss; and, I will share my artwork and art techniques on Blissful Art.

You are invited to join me. You can share your progress in the comments here on my blog or join my Facebook group – Art, Buddies And Creativity: www.facebook.com/groups/ArtBuddiesAndCreativity.  You can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AKOrobko where I will be posting videos of my journey. Here is the link to the kickoff video of this challenge: http://youtu.be/YCODHqqsi-I?list=PLoCvvdbjmEyUfbBSUEXvqHU4v1uRSTGHm

Time for Letting Go!


by Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko (© May 7, 2012)

When you feel like you are in overdrive,
Feeling pent-up pressure, staying alive!
Then it is time for Letting Go!

Release, vent and breathe in some air;
Allow, permit, feel free to share…
Worries, fears…be gone, good-bye!

Invite in the love and the joy,
Positive energy, presently employ.
Embrace this time of Letting Go!

Stormy weather comes with its gloom,
But its rains help the flowers to bloom.
Mother Nature knows the wisdom of Letting Go!

Let go of the sorrows.
Let go of the fear.
With the tomorrows
Invite and choose cheer.

Now is the time for Letting Go!

Art Exhibition and Exhaustion



I spent most of January creating these incredible acrylic paintings (each is 20 by 16 inches) for my art exhibition in my local library. I am being showcased for the entire month of February. It is such an honor!

All the effort did not go unrewarded as my immune system came to a screeching halt. Exhausted and tired due to running on adrenaline all last month, the FLU caught up to me. So, I listened to my body, because I had no choice and spent most of the weekend recuperating in my sanctuary, otherwise known as my comfy and cozy bed. Hot fluids, a few over the counter medicines and bed rest ruled the past couple of days. As promised, here is a digital collage of my artwork. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brought me when I created them.

More blogging when I feel better. Have a super-duper week!!!


New Traditions


Create new traditions to bring more joy and unity into the lives of you and your loved ones! ~ Dr. Angi K. Orobko

In December we celebrate love, joy, generosity, charity, Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, rebirth, return of light, and so much more. How we choose to celebrate the holiday is entirely up to us. We can choose to create new ways to celebrate the season. The possibilities are endless. Take the opportunity to invite input from your loved ones when you create a new tradition or two. Ask yourselves, how can you best celebrate? What will make this season for you and your family more meaningful?

My loved ones and I celebrate Christmas each year. Yes, we usually put up a Christmas tree and exchange gifts; but, more importantly we honor the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as, prepare our hearts for the second coming of our Lord. This preparation can be in many forms, but ultimately it is being Jesus and Love for others, whether it is in the spirit of giving gifts and/or sharing time and talents.

I love the idea of creating care packages filled with necessities and goodies for people in need. I love the idea of doing deliberate and anonymous acts of love and kindness each week in the name of Jesus and Love. These can become new traditions in my family. There are countless other things we can do and I am open to receive any ideas my loved ones have in mind. How about you? Are you going to create a new tradition this December?

The Winds…(of Sandy)

The Winds… (of Sandy)
by Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

The WINDS…they gust
with sinister lust,
powerfully bending the trees.

The full moon tides
that coincide,
flooding our lands willfully.

Heartfelt prayers and love
signaling the angels above,
to deliver us from hurt and destruction.

As time passes by
the wind still cries,
causing fear and dysfunction.

But we will soon see
through this melee
that we are more than just survivors.

Material things we can replace,
but not the human race,
so, let us hang on to each other.

Gifts of Love Slideshow

As many of you know I am giving away 100 Gifts of Love, which are hand-painted lunch bags with the intention of spreading love tangibly and inspire others to spread love. I have given away close to forty gifts now. Here is a slideshow/gallery of gifts #31 – 52.

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When I give away 20 more, I will post another slideshow. I encourage each of you to join in this campaign by going to HEARTS THAT CARE. I have a gallery of all the bags I have created from 1 to 30. I am adding more to the gallery each week. I have given most of these bags away. When you choose to do the Gift Of Love Campaign, you will be paying LOVE forward by creating your own beautiful work of art on paper lunch bags. I have a poem available on my website for you to include with your hand-painted/crafted bag. This is an opportunity to give others a Gift Of Love, express your kindness, connect with others in a meaningful way, value and appreciate who he or she is, and make his or her day.

One Moment At A Time

I often need to remind myself to be gentle and patient…with myself.
~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

One moment at a time is all I can handle. In all honesty, it is all any of us can handle. The past has lapsed and cannot be and should not be relived. The future is yet to come; and even with the best of plans and intentions, it is only in this very moment that we live. We live one moment at a time.

As I look ahead to the next few days, I see many events that will be taking place. I choose not to stress over these events, because I can only live these events one moment at a time. I will be exactly where I need to be when these events take place. I have the calendar out and I am sketching up a doable routine for myself, which will include walking between 45 to 60 minutes with my father 3 to 5 times this week.

I am looking forward to each and every item I intend for myself; and, I will no longer flounder around in my days going from one activity or project to another without some structure. This will afford me the sense of accomplishment…a start and finish. Progress will be made, because I will put for a specific amount of time to each activity or project. As I stated in another blog article (To Be Gentle and Patient…September 23, 2012) , I need to remind myself to be gentle and patient…with myself. We can only live one moment at a time; furthermore, nothing great was built in a day.

Revisiting Possibilities

Our possibilities become limitless when we use our imaginations and get creative.
~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

I love exploring within my mind as I ponder within my being and sit in peace with only instrumental music or natural sounds playing in the background. Come to think of it, I can be pulled into my own personal world whenever and wherever a certain object, smell or sound grabs my attention. It could be anything. Usually it will be an item that is colorful and bright like balloons or rainbows; or, it is fragrant like fresh-baked bread or honeysuckle after a light summer rain shower; or it is a joyous sound like the laughter of children or melodious like a birdsong or symphonic excerpt. These triggers will have my mind, heart and soul acting together in synchronicity sending my entire being into a land of imagination and wonder where I can investigate and consider possibilities. It is a wondrous time being able to explore possibilities as they are truly infinite when I open up my heart, mind and soul.

What may be impossible… truly is not; because, if you can imagine it, then it must be possible. It was once believed that flying machines were impossible. Look at all our innovations now that would seem quite wondrous, fantastic and impossible to our ancestors. Shall I even attempt this inexhaustible list ? There is: electricity, radio, television, telecommunication, cars, motorcycles, bicycles, the pencil, the pen, telephones, cellular telephones, movies, photography, printing presses, computers, international networking, airplanes, helicopters, hot air balloons, synthetic fabrics, heart transplants, conventional and microwave ovens, coffee makers, fiber optics, elevators, escalators, skyscrapers, Velcro, zippers, spacecraft, satellites, air conditioning, heat pumps, x-ray machines, printers, scanners, intercom systems, DNA testing, cloning and so on and so on.

It was not all that long ago when cloning, cellular/mobile phones and landing men on the moon was considered science FICTION, NOT FACT. The possibilities are only limited by a closed mind. If we can think it, we can do it. Can we defy gravity? Yes, via magnetism and with rockets. Can we travel the speed of light or even thought. I am certain someone is working on it. We are already sending messages almost as fast as a thought using computers and telephones. It seems instantaneous. At any rate, possibilities are fun to think about. I believe all things are possible. The possibilities are endless when we use our imagination. What are you open to imagine? What possibilities are in store for you and your future?

(Revised from January 25, 2012 edition)

To Be Gentle and Patient…

I often need to remind myself to be gentle and patient…with myself.
~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

Transitions that I wish to make need to be gradual. I cannot expect to do it all in a day. It is impractical and unrealistic! No one decides in one moment to run a marathon and then try to do it the very next day! No! You need to start out gradually by slowly adding time to your walking/jogging/running routine. If daily exercise is not a part of your daily routine, then start out by walking/running for 5 to 10 minutes everyday the first week; then add time as you feel comfortable. Eventually you will be able to run the distance of a marathon.

This is the same for any major life style change we wish to make in our lives. If you wish to change your eating habits, you would gradually add and/or eliminate various foods over a course of a month or more until it becomes a habit. For example, if you wish to become a vegetarian, you would start with one or two meals a week eliminating meat and adding other protein sources. You would slowly and gradually create a bank of recipes and reorganize your refrigerator and pantry to support your life style change.

Right now, reorganizing is my pet project. I have decided to rearrange and re-do my studio so that it is more functional. I am streamlining it for efficiency, but this is taking me more time than I expected. I am going through a period of disarray, which is overwhelming. I need to remind myself to be gentle and patient…with myself. As with all things in life, it is a great reminder.

Rome was not built in a day. Gradual, doable steps are what I need to take; furthermore, I choose to do each step with joy or not do it at all! If it isn’t fun, why bother? I am also visualizing how wonderful my space will look after I have completed my project. Oh, YES! It is going to be AMAZING! I will post before and after pictures after the everything is done; but, for now, I am in process. And, I am choosing to be gentle and patient with my progress.  Are you choosing to be gentle and patient with yourself?