a tickle of words to create smiles

Archive for January 15, 2012


Transformation is traditionally defined as a marked change, as in appearance or character usually for the better. Transformation to me is more than just change positive or otherwise. It is a completely new form of yourself (reinvented or recreated), where you cannot go back because of new awareness. It is like waking up for the first time someplace different and never being able to go back. New experiences and new information has changed your outlook and perspective. Transformation involves your spirit, your heart and soul. You can no longer can look at something the same way again because of this new awareness and knowledge.

Most of the time this can be for the good; but, sometimes it can be negative. I am not going to dwell on the negative.  When you discover something new about yourself or someone else or something else,  you come to expect it. For example, I discovered that I a new way of combining digital art with art made on paper. This awareness has transformed the way I do art. Will I go back to just scanning in my little water colors without added things? Most likely, not. Embrace transformations, as it expands you!


Bouncing back and recovering from a disheartening situation is resilience. Some people are more resilient than others. How do they do it? I believe resilience is developed over time through overcoming difficult times in our lives, whether it be the death of a loved one or coping with hurtful words. Seeing the blessings in our situation is one way to do this. I propose that we ask ourselves questions like: What can I learn from this? What is good about this? What is the gift or opportunity in this situation? What is funny about this? This will help us gain a different perspective of a difficult situation and allow us to grow from it to become more resilient. Bouncing back from a challenge in our life inspires others and ultimately brings joy to everyone.