a tickle of words to create smiles

Posts tagged ‘Art’

Join Our Free Online SoulPlay Family Camp

SoulPlay TeleSummer Camp


 When is the last time you let your soul out to play?

We know that as human beings, we are a mix of Mind, Body and Spirit; each of these aspects of self can be activated through fun experiences. When we follow our heart, passion becomes activation in remembering more of who we are and why we are here. Play is one of the best teachers ever because it is experiential and activates our inner passions.

When small children play; they are immersed in the moment, in full focus passion. Children are experts at play! People of all ages seek fun but too often, not often enough! Fun is something to be squeezed into our busy schedules. Typically, as adults, we schedule play in the form of vacations, organized sports, or some other ‘destination’.

SoulPlay is an invitation to another way of living in the flow of what our souls know. From this happy place, we are free to be more fully expressed and fulfilled in all areas of our lives.

My friend, Laurie Story Vela, has successfully woven aspects of play and passion in her literacy work found at Creative Spirit Families. Her latest endeavor is an amazing online summer camp that mixes the arts with Spirit play.  SoulPlay is a groundbreaking, online experience that invites

all ages to flow their divine essence as Love expressed and PLAY! This 21 day event is chock full of inspirational, imaginational invitations from an awesome assortment of cultural and healing arts presented by an array of authors, artists, musicians, teachers, and soul reachers, aka Camp Counselors.

I am the camp heART counselor in the online SoulPlay TeleSummer  Camp airing next Saturday, beginning August 9th, 2014. You will find me sprinkled throughout the 21 day Camp sharing my own passions with creativity, color, paint and inner treasure mapping. Find out more about the camp, meet the Camp Counselors, and register here for this free camp today.

SoulPlay TeleSummer Camp


Experience the joy & freedom that comes when you let your soul out to play!

Ah, sweet Love!


Love in its purest form cannot be explained with words; but only experienced. You know that feeling of absolute bliss. It is peace and joy at the same time. It is the desire to be kind, compassionate and helpful. It is that spark in your spirit that inspires you to be good and endearing to others.

It is that feeling of completeness. You are whole and one with everything and everyone. Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year next to Christmas. It is a day I believe that should be experienced everyday; the love and joy can be experienced daily if you so choose. I speak not of romantic love, but of a more reverent, profound love that penetrates the spirit like no other feeling.

Today is a great reminder of how love comes in many forms. I enjoy seeing children carry tokens of the day to their classmates and friends, as the joy friends experience as they wish each other a wonderful Valentine’s Day, as the love between a parent and child, as the love between new lovers and older couples in their twilight years, alike. Love is in the air. There is no doubt about that.

One only need to open his or her eyes. Perhaps, if we continue to keep our eyes open for signs of love on a daily basis, positive changes could take place. I know it has in my life.

May each of you have a WONDERFUL day filled with LOVE and JOY; may these feelings of BLISS carry-on and continue through the rest of your life! I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Art Exhibition and Exhaustion



I spent most of January creating these incredible acrylic paintings (each is 20 by 16 inches) for my art exhibition in my local library. I am being showcased for the entire month of February. It is such an honor!

All the effort did not go unrewarded as my immune system came to a screeching halt. Exhausted and tired due to running on adrenaline all last month, the FLU caught up to me. So, I listened to my body, because I had no choice and spent most of the weekend recuperating in my sanctuary, otherwise known as my comfy and cozy bed. Hot fluids, a few over the counter medicines and bed rest ruled the past couple of days. As promised, here is a digital collage of my artwork. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brought me when I created them.

More blogging when I feel better. Have a super-duper week!!!


The Smile

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~ Mother Teresa

Her gentle smile removed all worries…have you ever experienced that gentle smile? Maybe it was at the doctor’s office from the unnamed medical assistant; maybe it was the nameless cashier who handled your purchases at the grocery store; or maybe it was the unknown driver in the car next to yours. A smile is a gift. A gift we can share and a gift we can receive. Smiles have a way of removing fear and putting you at ease. I find when I smile, even at myself, it puts me in a wonderful state of mind. Smile, and the world smiles with you.

The above artwork is an original painting I did today in watercolor. The idea was to capture a gentle smile for my blog today. I added a little color pencil for the fine detail work. Not only do her lips smile, but so do her eyes. May this smile bring one to your face. If you would like to see more of my artwork you can find it on these three locations on the internet: 1. Blissful Art (Word Press blog), 2. Angela Kowitz Orobko, Ed.D. – Gallery  and 3. Hearts That Care – Gallery

Gift Of Love #36

As I have given an update on my Gift of Love campaign yesterday, I also discussed how each bag has a story. Gift of Love #36 has a very special story. It has an image of praying hands with 3 hearts surrounding them. The three hearts represent God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

I spent a lot of time on the hands because I wanted them to look as reverent as possible. I, also, felt deeply connected with the Holy Spirit as I painted this. I really sensed that God was guiding me through this Gift Of Love. In fact, as I have progressed with this series of Gift of Love bag paintings, my connection with God and Spirit became more and more profound. It is extraordinarily validating. I know I am doing what I need to do. Have you ever felt this kind of connection in your work?

Gift Of Love Update

In the hands of over thirty individuals, a Gift Of Love has been delivered. These gifts are most likely touching hearts  more profoundly than I will ever know. Back on April 1, 2012 I was inspired by God to create 100 hand-painted paper lunch bags to illustrate the gift of love; and, then share them with others. Some went to friends, a few to family members, but most of them are going to acquaintances and people I have just met just because our paths crossed at that moment in time, which has been my favorite experience.

This week I plan to give out twenty more Gifts of Love, which will bring the total just past fifty bags. Each lunch bag is a work of art and love created with a blend of crafters (liquid) and artist (heavy-bodied) quality acrylic paint. Each Gift of Love is different, but theme of love and hearts are on each one. And, each image tells a story.

Gift of Love #34 has footprints and hearts on it. It tells the story of how love is a journey of the heart that needs to be made authentically without covering up who you are. When we present ourselves as someone we are not, we set up our relationships for failure. It is only when we can bear our heart and soul to others that we are able to attract those who love us for who we truly are creating a strong and profound bond. How are you presenting yourself to others?

Are you trying to impress others as someone you are not or have you permitted yourself to be genuine and true, letting go of all expectations? Are you able to let go of any concern of how others might think of you? It is not easy, but once you can, you will feel uplifted and joy will fill your heart. The only person  you need to please and delight is yourself.

What is art and writing to me?

The end-product is simply the by-product of my joy. ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

What is art and writing to me? Should it  be more expressive and intuitive or deliberate and technical (commercialized)? Should it be for the creator or the spectator? Should it be about the process or the end-product?

In my heart and soul I feel art and writing are expressive and intuitive processes where deliberate technique needs to take a backseat. It is the only way I know how to be creative. My favorite art pieces are the ones that had no plan…they simply evolved. My favorite articles are those that were written in the moment; however, I do find I need a concept map to outline my major writing projects that are over 100 pages long.

My art is more for the creator and less for the spectator. If I visually delight others as much as I delight myself in the process, then I am TWICE blessed. I write about what I most want to read. I keep the reader in mind, me. If it is boring to me, then I know others will be bored. I interject humor when I can, because I enjoy getting a chuckle when I read.

I wholeheartedly feel that art and writing are about the processes and not necessarily the end-products. When the end-product turns out AMAZING erstwhile I delight in creating it, then I am in total ecstasy…but for me, it is all about the process. The end-product is simply the by-product of my joy.


Creativity is what you make of it; everyone is creative, as each of us are capable of making things. ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

‎Why is it that many equate creativity with being able to paint, draw and the like? Creativity is really about being able to visualize beyond the norm. Creative people do not see obstacles or problems; instead, they see solvable challenges. Many may even get a charge out of it. They thrive when faced with a challenge because it provides an opportunity to try something new and to experiment.

Creativity is looking at things upside down instead of right-side up. Creativity is using different tools and materials in a new way to achieve different effects. Creativity is seeking tools and/or materials when others do not work or are unavailable. For example, suppose you ran out of dish soap. Creative people would find seek alternatives such as a bar of soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, lemon juice, vinegar, etc.

Creative people are often: inventive, inquisitive, optimistic, enthusiastic, energetic, determined and open to possibilities. They are not attached to one idea. They are comfortable with surprises. In fact, many creative people get excited with unexpected outcomes.

Children are naturally creative. They are open to try new things and experiment. Unfortunately, too many adults teach children that there is only one way to do various things “right”. They give them rules, procedures and routines to the point where these children lose sight of their creative nature. They succumb to only doing things one way because they want to please and be loved.

Too much television watching and video game playing also zap creativity out of humanity. Sometimes it seems that the days where we used our imagination are gone. We have grown dependent on doing things only one way; but, it is not too late to develop our creativity. We only need to challenge ourselves with little problems.

Playing the “what if” game is a good way to enhance our creativity. Again, children are great at doing this. Remember all the “what if” questions you used to ask or your children asked you? What if don’t have this, that or the other? What if it rains? What if the store is closed? What if they aren’t home? What if everything were the color purple? What if there were no spoons? You can go on and on.

Another great activity to do is to invent new purposes for various items like a paper clip, a sponge or whatever. What are other uses for a towel, a hair brush, a toothbrush, an old car tire, etc? This can be quite fun to do and a great way to develop and expand your creativity. Can you think of some other ways to develop your creative ability? I can. And so can you!

Lines Going Straight….Bah humbug!

Untitled ART BOOK 101 Chapter 1.1 (This will be an ongoing work in progress.)

chapter 1 Straight Lines and Stick Figures, Oh My

Lines Going Straight….Bah humbug!

How many times have you said to yourself, I can’t even draw a straight line or stick figure? How am I suppose to create…..(fill in the blank). What is holding you back? Lack of confidence? Fear? Discouragement? It couldn’t be laziness, could it?

First of all, let us dispel the belief that your lines need to be straight and exact. Very few creative projects require precision unless you are constructing a house or a bridge. Now, pick up your favorite writing/drawing tool. Get out a scrap piece of paper. In fact, go ahead and gather as much scrap paper as you can find. Let’s has some fun creating lines.

I am going to have you close your eyes and create lines for at least 60 seconds (yes, a whole minute). Set up your space so you are sitting comfortably. Have your tools in place: paper and pen/pencil/any other art material you would like. Get ready, get set, GO! Now, take a look at your creation. Never mind passing judgment on your creation, focus on how it felt to just put your pen or pencil to paper and allow yourself to freely create lines? This is one of many ways you can express yourself. It is quite liberating.

I challenge you to try this at least once a day!


Follow the development of this book on BLISSFUL ART…my other fabulous WordPress blog dedicated to my artwork.

Trust Your Creative Flow

I do my best work when I trust my creative flow, withhold judgment and embrace my natural talents as I do what I am called forth to do.  ~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

Being creative means trusting your soul, your intuition, your flow;  ignoring criticism or judgment, and releasing resistance to your natural gifts and talents. Pick up your creativity tools and have at your project, whether you arm yourself with paintbrush, crafting tool, pen, pencil or keyboard. Once the creativity flow starts, do not resist it. The hardest part is overcoming any kind of creativity blocks. Why resist when your ideas flow.

Creativity blocks will  happen. It is part of the ebb and flow of any craft. Honor the creativity blocks and give yourself a break by getting out in nature and in public. Interact. Experience new sensations and fill your well of creativity. It is through new experiences that generate new memories and allow new ideas to form.

Collect first experiences and embrace the new sensations. Try new materials. Do activities with your less dominant hand. Write, draw or do anything with your eyes closed or blindfolded. Bring in new fragrances into your studio or work space. Listen to different music. Use different lighting. Exercise before sitting doing your project. Changing up your routine is a great way to eliminate any type of creativity block.

And once you have your flow, run with it. Believe in your craft! Give it life! Do not hold back or resist the flow through self-criticism or fear. This is what makes you a creative!