a tickle of words to create smiles

Posts tagged ‘lifestyle’

Make Time…for YOU!


Make time for those things you truly want to do. Worry not. The things that need your attention, will get it, but with more joy! The key is to schedule your time with balance in mind. I have found this to work really well for me! I find that I am getting so much more done because I am able to put forth more enthusiasm and energy to all my tasks because I scheduled in some “fun”.

I know during this time of year is a season of preparations, parties, shopping, decorating and loads of busyness. It does not have to take the wind out of your sails if you take the time to take a breather or two daily. And, yes, life happens when you make plans.

So, keep it flexible. You already know what you need to do. Just include an activity or two that will give you a spark. For me it is creating art to music. One song takes 5 minutes maximum. With a bit of set-up and clean-up, it is a total of ten minutes; and, wow, I am ready to do the next “need-to” task. What activities can you “squeeze-in” that will make you blissful? Balance is the solution!

My Joy…Their Joy

What brings you joy, ultimately brings joy to others. ~ Dr. Angi K. Orobko

Most often, I find when I am doing what I really enjoy, I bring joy to others, whether it is in my art, in my writing, in my teaching or in my creative life coaching practice. My enthusiasm and joy radiates from me to others. Guess what? Your passion and enthusiasm will shine through in those things that you honestly love to do! Really!

in ALL those ACTIVITIES that  you really LOVE to DO!

It is a joy to watch someone truly get into his or her groove, no matter what the task, job or activity. It is a lift to be around people who love their jobs from your local grocery cashier, to the postal worker who delivers your mail, to the police officer who is directing traffic around an unsafe situation, to the teacher who instructs your children, to the news reporter on your local television station, and so on and so forth.

Also, if you choose to put joy in your work at hand and really appreciate it, you will get a lift from your job. It will almost feel like playtime instead of WORK. So, as we close out November, the month of gratitude, consider putting in a bit of joy and gratitude in all you do! Let us greet December as the month of the joyous and generous spirit. December is such a magical month.

November: A Month of Appreciation

November is a month of thankfulness and appreciation as we celebrate Thanksgiving later this month. A great idea that was started by two dear people in my life, my friend Donna and my cousin Amber, is to note what you are most thankful each day this month. They are posting their thoughts of gratitude in their status each day this month on Facebook. I am collecting my thoughts in a journal and on Thanksgiving Day, I am going to share these messages of gratitude with my family and friends during our Thanksgiving Dinner. I may post messages of gratitude on Facebook, as well. I try to do that now and then throughout the year, anyway.

Upon reflecting on gratitude, attitude comes to mind; gratitude is an attitude of appreciation, knowing the worth of another. Gratitude is a positive feeling of indebtedness to another. It is a form of love, loyalty, and giving back; like an I.O.U. Your heart feels a warmth and longing to be of service to whomever or whatever you feel gratitude.

Gratitude is related to being thankful, grateful and appreciative. It is an uplifting emotion where you feel worthy and valued; and, you usually have a feeling of joy where you want to pay a favor in return directly or indirectly for the person you feel gratitude. An attitude of gratitude brings positiveness and higher energy. It is a glow in the heart, a warmth from within that makes one grin.

A great quote to ponder stated by Denis Waitley, truly makes me realize how much I have to be thankful: “I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man with no feet.”

I am deeply grateful for: my overall good  health, my wonderful husband and family (including Sasha, my fur-baby), my amazing friends both off and on-line, God and the Universe. The gratitude in my heart I extend to all those who have touched my life and molded me into who I am today, including the bullies and heart-breakers; and most importantly for having Jesus Christ in my life…the example He has led as God in Body…God the Experience…God the Flesh…God the Human Example. He showed us the path and the way to be.

I have the gratitude attitude for music, creativity, life, transformations, lessons, love, friendship, fellowship, family, education, color, sight, all my senses, my gender, my femininity, my masculinity, my whole being, my outlook and perspective, my vision, my attitude and openness…for everything. Everything is a blessing that deserves to appreciated! Have “Gratitude Attitude”and a thankful heart. Consider keeping a log of everything you appreciate this month (and perhaps beyond). You will see the positive ways it will change your life. (Parts of this article were used in previous articles in A Kiss of Bliss this year.)

Bless the Mess


I love other people’s mess because it makes me look neater! 
~ Dr. Angela Kowitz Orobko

My sister just complained about a co-worker who is messy; and, how it irritated her. In reality she should be grateful because her co-worker’s mess can only make my sister appear that much better! If it were not for other people’s messes in the world, how would me learn tolerance (and look better in comparison, LOL).

Mess is good. It provides niches for many roles in society. Mess creates a need for many jobs and professions. And, it appears that a mess for one, may not be a mess for another. Mess is in the eye of the beholder.

I am thinking that this brings a whole new look at the expression, “Don’t MESS with me.” I am going to look at mess with a new eye. You may want to consider doing the same. I am not saying that you need to clean up other people’s messes; what I am saying is….look at the lesson from the mess. What is the wisdom in the mess? Can you laugh at the mess? Finding the positive in the mess would bring us that much closer to having a more loving society, right? Bless the mess.