a tickle of words to create smiles

Archive for May, 2012


Today is my husband’s birthday, so I wanted to take this opportunity in my blog to tell the world how wonderful he is! He is not only the love of my life, but he is also my BEST friend. He is the Yang to my Yin.

Rick Orobko

He makes my days a bit more colorful, brighter and joyful. His optimism surpasses my own so that when I need a lift, I can count on  him. I truly believe he loves me unconditionally as I unconditionally love him. He is amazing and wonderful. It is my pleasure to honor him today, on his birthday! And shower him with love, blessings and gratitude! Thank you, Ricky! I love you!!


What is your hunger, your desire? For what are you hungry? What is that one thing your heart desires to be or have? Is it joy, bliss, fame, success… ? What are you doing every day to work towards that hunger or desire? Do you at least think about it? Do you see yourself there already?

No! Why not? Visualize yourself in your happy place, in your success. What are you doing in that future self?

Me, I am accepting a Nobel Peace Prize for my work in anti-bullying incentives and promoting love and kindness in the world. I am experiencing deep and intense joy and gratitude, because I know I did not do this all by myself. I did it with the help of everyone.

Everyone who believed in love and kindness, in themselves and in me. I am relishing this moment! I am celebrating with the world, because it is a better place because I am here to contribute to it.

I knew one day my daily blogging, creating art, writing, sharing of my time and self would eventually create more love and kindness where I live and makes its way around the world. How could my love and kindness not be experienced by others. Sure, it seemed years ago that I only made a small difference, but I grew to learn that it was those small differences that made a big difference in the lives of others. And, when they experienced joy, they spread this love to others. And so it grew and grew and grew.

Tears well in my eyes to see how much love there is in the world, now…not just because of me, but because each of you were with me. You made a difference, too. We did it together and I feel so blessed to be celebrating this moment with everyone.

That is a glimpse into my future. What does yours look like? What is your hunger, your desire? 


Why is it that some people are or seem more confident than others? Were they born that way or did they learn it? Perhaps it is a little of both; but, confidence does not have to be something only exclusive to a few. There are many ways to build self-confidence.  One way is to tell yourself that you do not have to be perfect! Most people are not looking at your perceived “bad parts” or seeking to point out your “mistakes”.

Have you ever heard of the expression, “fake it until you make it? “That expression simply means to smile through your fear. Pretend you are confident in yourself until you really do feel secure with yourself and your skills/talents.

You can also practice those skills/talents with which you feel insecure. Practice builds confidence. Here are some simple steps on how you can build your self-confidence:

1. Make a list of all the things you fear doing but want to do or try.

2. Pick one, one that you feel would be easy to do or try.

3. Seek information on how to do it. See how others do it or tried it. You Tube is phenomenal for tutorials.

4. Try it and then do it, over and over again.

5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you complete the list.

But suppose you feel you are not physically attractive, how do you build self-confidence. That requires positive self-talk. Step outside your self as if you were someone else looking at you. This will help you to become objective. What does this person see about you that is attractive? Perhaps it is your smile or maybe your cute freckles or perhaps it is your robust complexion. Accentuate your positives! Do you remember the song by Johnny Mercer and the Pied Pipers. This is the best verse:

You’ve got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
And latch on to the affirmative
Don’t mess with Mister In-Between

Create a list of all the positives. Eliminate all the negative self-talk. Latch on to the affirmative through daily affirmations! And, do not concern yourself with anything in-between. Yes, there are things we can change about ourselves such as our muscle tone, weight and even things like the shape of our nose; however, if you are unhappy with who you truly are, then no amount of physical exercise, weight training, dieting and/or surgery will ever make you self-confident and happy. You need to learn to be happy with the person you are; and, tell yourself that you are exactly the person you want to be.

Happy Memorial Day

All my love and blessings go out to all those who have fallen,

served and are currently serving in the U.S. Military.

Thank you! You are deeply appreciated!

Sunshine and Smiles

Today was an amazing day. I had a great interview with Wendy Fedan of Create-A-Way on the topic of bullying. If you would like to catch the replay click here on this link: Create-A-Way Today BlogTalkRadio Wendy is a phenomenal ARTbundance Coach who utilizes her gifts in helping people create a way for their goals and dreams. I am also an ARTbundance coach with close to 20 years of experience in gifted and science education. I have inspired students to tap into their creativity to achieve their academic goals in science. I have also mentored freshman teachers. at-risk students and started anti-bullying/kindness promoting programs in which I worked.

One of my best assets has been my sincere smile. No matter how rough things could get at times, I managed to smile through it. My colleagues and students have let me know that my genuine kindness and smile inspired them; and, it often got them through the harder moments of their days. I was a ray of sunshine and hope. Actually, I believe I am still a light in people’s lives (or I certainly hope I am).

It is amazing how a simple, genuine smile can get someone through a low moment, even if it is a smile for yourself. It nurtures the heart and the soul. When you are in a low moment in your day, close your eyes and recall a memory that brought you joy. Give yourself permission to smile or even laugh if it was a memory filled with light moments and humor. Joseph Addison (a statesman, essayist and poet of the late 1600s to early 1700s) stated, “What sunshine is to flowers; smiles are to humanity.” I find this to be true.

“Don’t worry about telling God how big your storm is…..”

“Don’t worry about telling God how big your storm is…..tell the storm how big your God is!”

My sister shared this quote with me, which came from her co-worker, Randy who can’t remember from where he heard it. You know, Jesus Christ has our backs. He will get us through any storm. We just need to remember how powerful our God is! And, it is awesome to know that God is within us!

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:16 NIV)

It is empowering to know that God is with us always. “Come close to God, and God will come close to you…(James 4:8) Faith and love sustains us, as it is the God in us that gives us the fortitude to get through the largest of storms in our lives. It is God and the Love in our hearts that allows us to see the blessings in those storms. Happiness and joy need not be elusive. We just need to remember we are not alone and that happiness has never left us.

Another thought that has crossed my mind today, “Why is it that sometimes we wish to be something we are not instead of wishing to be who we already are?” We are exactly who and where we need to be. The thoughts in our hearts become reality. It is only when we believe we are exactly the person we want to be that we are joyful. What are you telling yourself and your storm today?

Happiness, are you wearing it?

On the kickoff of Memorial Day weekend I found myself at our local warehouse store where you can buy things in bulk and get a hot dog meal for $1.50 (U.S. dollars). I took this opportunity to really watch people as they shopped, worked and express their emotions. Breathing room was a bit compromised as it was more crowded than usual. Shopping carts were filled with every item imaginable to make the first cookouts of the season successful. 

What was most interesting to me was how people were working and shopping given these circumstances. I found those shoppers who were more laid back and took their time had smiles in their eyes and across their faces. They were also the people who were more likely to make eye contact with you and they made it a point to say to others fellow shoppers, “hello”, “excuse me, please”, and “you go ahead.”

I was also intrigued how most of the staff of the warehouse store were so pleasant, polite and genuinely happy to be working, doing their duties and serving customers. To observe them enjoy their jobs put a smile in my heart. It made my shopping experience joyful and memorable.

On the flip-side, those individuals who were in a hurry, determined to get through one more chore and/or talking on their mobile phones wore different expressions. They were pensive, stressed, annoyed and a few even expressed irritation as they rolled their eyes, gave a dirty look or sighed in disbelief of not being able to move quickly through the store. I wonder how their day could have been different if they chose to wear happiness? I invite you to choose to wear your happiness this weekend. Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Incidentally, if you wish to hear me speak on the topic of bullying, I will be a guest speaker on the Create-A-Way Radio show on Sunday, May 27 at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. Here is the link: 


I hope you can join me!


The question of why has often been used as an excuse. Why should I? Why bother? But, why? Why? Really, why?

My answer is, “Because I can!” And, I ask, “Why not?” I have decided it is time for me to act. No more excuses! If I can be a positive change agent and an advocate of love and kindness, I will do it any way I can with every skill and talent I posses. This is my time to make a difference! Why not take every opportunity that I can to make a difference. I have learned it doesn’t take much to make someone’s day! A little love goes a long way whether it is a genuine smile, a warm hello or holding the door open for someone. 

If I can stand up for the tenderhearted, I will. If I see an injustice, I will speak up. If I do not speak up, then I am essentially contributing to the negativity! Our time to act is now! If not now, when? We can no longer sit around and ask why; we need to act. I invite you to be love and kindness wherever and however you can. Then watch it grow tenfold in the world. The more positive energy we put out there, the more we will get back. It is really that simple. 


playful and kind

here and there


tangled and
never bland
refusing to be a brand

simply undefined

Breaking Patterns

People are creatures of habit. We create patterns that others learned to depend, but then we grow and change. Those are the times when we feel stale. The routine becomes dull or boring. In order to stay “lively and fresh” we need to break patterns we have established. There is no need to apologize for this. Even weather patterns change. It is the law of nature.

If someone takes notice and says something like, “that is out of character for you”, then you are in that place in your life where you are breaking the patterns you initially established. Resist the urge to be who others think you are. Be true to who you are or are becoming. Follow your heart and your joy! It will be a challenge and maybe even a struggle; but, consider how it would feel if you did not follow your passion?